Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Ann M. Stillman, Director of Public Works
Subject: Resolutions rescinding and establishing parking restrictions at various locations within the Unincorporated Colma Area
Recommendation to:
A) Adopt a resolution:
1. Rescinding the “Time Limited Parking” zone approved by Resolution No. 48558 on October 28, 1986 on a portion of the westerly side of El Camino Real (State Route 82) south of A Street in the unincorporated Colma Area as depicted on Exhibit A; and
2. Rescinding in part the “No Parking” zones approved by Resolution No. 52508 on March 28, 1989, on portions of El Camino Real (State Route 82) adjacent to A Street within the unincorporated Colma area as depicted on Exhibit A.
B) Adopt a resolution establishing “No Parking” zones along El Camino Real (State Route 82) at various locations within the unincorporated Colma area as depicted on Exhibit A.
C) Adopt a resolution:
1. Establishing “4- Hour Time Limited Parking” zones along El Camino Real (State Route 82) at various locations within the unincorporated Colma area as depicted on Exhibit A; and
2. Establishing a “30-minute Time Limited Parking” zone along El Camino Real, (State Route 82) within the unincorporated Colma area as depicted on Exhibit A.
This Board has adopted similar resolutions regarding parking restrictions.
California Vehicle Code Section 22507 et seq. and Sections 7.24.010 and 7.30.010 et seq. of the San Mateo County Ordinance Code allow the Board of Supervisors to prohibit or restrict the stopping, parking or standing of vehicles by resolution or ordinance with associated signs and markings in their respective jurisdictions. These restrictions may apply to state highways provided the resolution or ordinance establishing said restrictions are submitted and approved in writing by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).
The Department of Public Works (Department) was contacted by the Broadmoor Police Department (Broadmoor Police) relative to revising parking restrictions along El Camino Real (State Route 82) from approximately A Street to D Street within the unincorporated Colma area. The proposed parking restrictions seek to change the existing parking restrictions from “2-Hour Time Limited Parking” to “4-Hour Time Limited Parking” between 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., excluding holidays, establish a “30-minute Time Limited Parking” zone, and establish “No Parking” zones. The Broadmoor Police have indicated that local businesses have requested changing the 2-hour parking restrictions to 4-hour restrictions to provide their clients with more time to conduct their business.
The Department conducted a field inspection along El Camino Real and determined that all the parking restrictions have already been painted but not codified. Therefore, the Department recommends rescinding Resolution No. 48558 which established 2-hour limited term parking and rescinding, in part, Resolution No. 52508 in order to establish “Time Limited Parking” zones and “No Parking” zones as shown on Exhibit “A”.
The Department notified 379 property owners of the proposed parking restrictions on adjacent blocks and extending a minimum of 300 feet from the proposed parking restrictions. The Department’s notification requested comments relative to the proposed restrictions.
The Department received eleven (11) responses to the notifications. Nine (9) responses supporting the parking restrictions, one (1) response requesting a 30-minute parking zone, and one (1) response requesting that the loading zone previously established by Resolution No. 050267 in front of their business remain in place.
The business at the northeast corner of El Camino Real and C Street requested a 30-minute time limited parking zone in front of their bakery business in lieu of the proposed 4-Hour Time Limited Parking. This modification was discussed with the Broadmoor Police and they concurred with this change.
The property owner opposing the parking restrictions in front of their business indicated that the previously established loading zone in front of their business remains necessary for their operations. The proposed changes at the southeast corner of El Camino Real and A Street were removed from this Board request and the existing loading zone shall remain.
The Department has notified the property owners adjacent to and within 300 feet of the proposed parking restrictions of the time and date of the Board meeting for which these items will be considered.
The location of parking zones and other traffic restrictions on County-maintained streets and State Highways within unincorporated County areas are shown on maps in the Department’s office and website. The Department’s master list of parking restrictions will be updated to reflect the recommended changes, should this Board and Caltrans approve the proposed resolutions.
Should the proposed parking restrictions be approved by this Board and Caltrans, the Department will install the appropriate signs and curb markings.
County Attorney has reviewed and approved the Resolutions as to form.
The staff costs for evaluating and processing requests for traffic regulations is paid for by the Road Fund as part of the administrative cost associated with evaluating traffic-related requests on the County maintained road system. The cost of purchasing and installing signs and painting parking zone markings varies and averages approximately $600 per parking zone designation, which is paid for by the Road Fund.
There is no impact to the General Fund.
Attachment: Exhibit “A” to the resolutions - Map of “Proposed Parking Restrictions along El Camino Real”