Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Christina Corpus, Sheriff
Subject: Agreement with Data Vision Group, LLC for a Threat Reporting Exchange Geospatial Dashboard
Adopt a resolution authorizing an agreement with Data Vision Group, LLC for the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center’s Threat Reporting Exchange Geospatial Dashboard for the term of January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2026, in an amount not to exceed $600,000.
Currently, public safety and private sector partners have limited access to a statewide information sharing, analysis, and crime trend alert technology platform. Loss prevention and security directors need a reporting platform that provides near real-time criminal tactics and a mechanism to share effective countermeasures. Law enforcement personnel and analysts need near real-time access to organized retail crime information and related suspicious activity, as well as direct connectivity to loss prevention and security directors. Public safety and private sector partners also need a platform that provides video teleconference capabilities for all vetted platform partners that allow them to be debriefed on emerging organized retail crime threats.
Through the Organized Retail Theft Grant Program that was awarded by the California Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) to the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office, the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center (NCRIC) was allocated funding for its Organized Retail Crime - Incident and Threat Reporting Exchange project to establish a statewide integrated technology platform to improve private sector and public safety information sharing, analysis, and strategy development to identify and mitigate the threats from organized retail crime actors and groups. On September 4, 2024, the Sheriff’s Office released a Request for Proposals (RFP), RFP# 2024-RFP-00238, seeking proposals for a threat reporting exchange geospatial dashboard for the NCRIC.
Six RFP proposals were received and reviewed by a committee comprised of representatives from the NCRIC and the National Fusion Center Association. Data Vision Group, LLC was selected as the most qualified based on the qualifications of its firm and team and its project approach that had a heavy emphasis on Teams and ArcGIS integration. The Sheriff’s Office is seeking approval from your Board to execute an agreement with Data Vision Group, LLC to develop a real-time incident analysis dashboard that will be utilized to intake, view, filter, analyze, and share threat and/or incident information that will improve private sector and public safety information sharing, analysis, and strategy development to prevent and respond to organized retail crime. This request is late due to extended contract negotiations.
The Sheriff’s Office is also requesting this Board to authorize the Sheriff or Sheriff’s designee to execute amendments to this agreement which modify the County’s maximum fiscal obligation by no more than $25,000 (in aggregate), and/or modify the agreement term and/or services so long as the modified term or services is/are within the current or revised fiscal provisions.
The County Attorney has reviewed and approved the agreement as to form.
The term of this agreement is from January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2026, for a total amount not to exceed $600,000. All costs associated with the NCRIC are 100% grant reimbursable from federal and state funds. There will be no Net County Cost.
The NCRIC will positively impact communities across Northern California through its diverse programs that protect privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties, while reducing the harmful impacts of crime on underserved areas and communities that are disparately impacted by the distribution of dangerous drugs, human trafficking, organized crime, and violent crime. The NCRIC programs are actively advancing a vision of equitable access to public safety resources, opportunities to live in communities free from the harmful impacts of crime and provide justice for every member of our diverse communities across the region.
The NCRIC will impact drug trafficking organizations, human trafficking organizations, illicit weapons trafficking organizations, terrorists, and other violent criminals through multi-disciplinary public safety partnerships, training, analysis, technology, and investigative support that will enhance community collaboration to identify, investigate, mitigate, and prevent threats to the communities that we serve in fifteen counties. NCRIC personnel have engaged with communities impacted by organized crime through community meetings, working groups, and direct outreach with community and public safety leaders.
Personnel have also been working on mitigating negative impacts that have hindered equitable outcomes for underserved and protected communities by providing federal, state, local, and tribal public safety partners with information sharing, analytical, technology, and training resources to focus the whole of government on the greatest threats to our most vulnerable communities, while protecting privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties.