Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Michael P. Callagy, County Executive
Subject: Grant of Easement Deed to California Water Service Company over the property along Edgewood Road, an abandoned County right of way in unincorporated Redwood City
Adopt a resolution authorizing:
A) The President of the Board of Supervisors to execute an Easement Deed to grant a permanent easement, commonly known as Edgewood Road, on an abandoned portion of County right of way (“Property”) to California Water Service Company; and
B) The County Executive, or their designee, to execute on behalf of the County, any and all notices, consents, approvals, and other documents in connection with the Easement Deed.
California Water Service Company (“CWS”) is a water provider in the County of San Mateo. CWS was issued an encroachment permit (Permit No. DPW2018-00755) to own, construct and operate a high-pressure booster station for domestic water supply (“Station”) which lies within the County’s right of way commonly known as 152 Edmonds Road, in unincorporated Redwood City (Assessor’s Parcel Number 093-150-030). The County and CWS entered into an agreement in connection with said water service infrastructure encroachment permit to install, operate, maintain, repair, and remove upon demand private improvements in County right of way (Document No. 2018-061911).
CWS has completed the construction phase and has requested two permanent easements for the portion of the Station that lies within two portions of the County right of way. The County is denying CWS’ request for a permanent easement along Edmonds Road to reserve the area for potential County purposes. However, the County is accepting CWS’ request for a permanent easement along Edgewood Road, as this is an abandoned County right of way.
Approval of this request will allow California Water Service Company to provide public water distribution and continued access to the utility infrastructure facility.
San Mateo County Department of Public Works has no objections to said proposed easement in this portion. The County Attorney’s Office has reviewed and approved the Resolution and Easement Deed as to form.
The County of San Mateo is dedicated to ensuring equitable access to quality services and resources for all residents. By providing public utility companies access to vital infrastructure within County owned properties or County rights of way, the County ensures all residents receive reliable utility services. This facility easement will contribute to the continued delivery of vital domestic water supply to county residents.
There is no compensation by either party associated with this transaction and no Net County Cost.